
If you've just stumbled across my website, let me introduce myself.

I'm Fudgey!

I currently work as an Application Developer for a mining and commodities company called Glencore.

I'm involved in a number of duties in my role, ranging from application development to application support.

One of my favourite aspects of my role is problem solving! I absolutely love developing solutions to issues that our users face.

Lately, in my spare time outside of work, I have been delving into the world of cryptocurrency.

I'm a big fan of what Loopring is doing with their Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum.

One of the main hurdles for a C# developer like myself trying to develop for Loopring, is that there was no C# implementation of the Poseidon hashing and signing function that is used to sign requests to Loopring's API.

As a result of this, I created PoseidonSharp, a Poseidon hashing and signing library for Loopring in C#.

PoseidonSharp has been used in a number of Loopring community dev related projects such as Maize and LoopringUnity.

Anywho that's it for now! If you want to get in touch, you can find me below on these other sites :)

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